Peyerimhoffia vagabunda
Males of P. vagabunda reach from 2.0 to 2.8 mm, females to 3.0 mm in length.
Head capsule is slightly elongated. Compound eyes with short setae, united above antennal bases with a characteristic eye bridge. Eye bridge consists of 3 or 4 rows of ommatidia (facets). Antenna are long, monotonous dark brown, 16-membered and divided on biarticulated “handle” (scapus), which consist of scape and pedicel, both globular, and flagellum that consist of 14 flagellomeres. Flagellomeres are subcylindrical, with dark setosed body and non-setosed, short, mono-colored cervix (Fig. 1). Setae length makes 4/5 of flagellomere width. The length/width of 4th flagellomere is 2.3 – 2.6. Maxillary palpus is short-clavated and brown, mostly consists only of one palpomere, but sometimes terminal palpomere is separated from primary one by narrow but noticeable bridge. Primary palpomere is bordered with 4 – 6 setae, 2 of them are significantly longer than the other. Patch of narrow sensilla is small.
Thorax is dark brown with dark, strong and long setosity. Postpronotum setosed. Mesonotum with dark setae and bears with strong lateral, central and scutellar setae (Fig. 2).
Legs are slender, with uniform setosed vestiture and thin short spurs. Tibia is lighter than thorax, but significantly dirty gray to brown; front tibial (t1) organ is unbordered, with dense vestiture (Fig. 3). Spurs of t2 and t3 have the same length. Tarsal claws without teeth.
Wings are well developed in male, some female indicated as wingless or brachypterous (Kieffer, 1903); posterior veins and wing membrane without microtrichia; stM are longer than M-fork; M-fork is shortly-triangular, widely opened; M1 and M2 are just a little curved; x and y both are non-setosed, x/y = 1.0 – 1.5; stCu/x = 0.67 – 1.0; r1/r = 0.8 – 1.0, r is noticeable and before the base of M-fork falls into C; c = 2/3w (Fig. 4). Haltere is brownish and very shortly setosed. According to Keifer’s description, the female wings show only a single vein (Kieffer, 1903).
Hypopygium is significantly larger in width than in height, without basallobus – intercoxal lobe (sternite 9), or ventral intercoxal setosed area (Fig. 5). Valves (gonocoxite) are much shortened; ventral external margins of valves are wide, semicircle in shape; internal side of valves very shortly setosed. Stylus (gonostylus) is shortened and thickened, slightly tumid, broadest on mesial part, approximately 1.5 times longer than its width, triangular and bubble shaped flattened; the tip of the stylus with a single strong and long apical tooth (as long as the width of gonostylus); apical tooth with long medial seam and without blade shaped elevation. The inner side of the stylus without serrations but with many strong and long setae that often reach the top of the tooth. Genital plate (tegmen) is larger in width than in height, trapezoidal, laterally strongly s-shaped curved. Genital plate in the upper half is very membranized, in the middle with 2 horizontally sclerotic areas that converge from the edges of the genital plate to its center, serrated field is small and inconspicuous, with unimucronate serrations. Aedeagus is very short with weak sclerotized base (Fig. 6).